Backend Developer

Yakiv Yasko

I am a persistent, responsible, purposeful person who always takes responsibility for his ongoing professional development. My main focus is developing backend side of web applications using different architectures and tecnologies. I had experience with ASP.NET Core Web Api, implementing such patterns as Strategy, Factory, Builder, Singleton, distributed transaction pattern Saga, Proxy and Strangler Fig. Actually, I don't limit myself to this. I can dive into any technology in a short time if needed.

Work experience

Trainee Full Stack Developer Delphi software

June 2021 - September 2021 | Ukraine

  • Frontend(Angular) and backend(Asp Net Core Web Api) development.
  • Creating a user interface for the appication.
  • MsSQL Database
Projects I've written during I was trainee

Juniour Backend Developer Delphi software

September 2021 - up to now | Ukraine

  • Backend development
  • Implementing sich patterns as : Factory, Strategy, Repository, Service, Facade, Distributed transactions - Saga
  • Orm - Entity Framework
  • MsSQL Database
  • Multithreading

Juniour Full Stack Developer Swetrix

Link to the platform :

June 2021 - June 2022 | Ukraine

  • Html
  • CSS
  • JS
  • React
  • Node.js



Vinnytsia National Technical University

Computer Engineering

September 2019 - June 2023 | Ukraine


Main Academy

C# developer

September 2021 - Marth 2022 | Ukraine